
Who invented the Keyboard?

Keyboard (QWERTY)

Facts about who invented the Keyboard

Who invented the Keyboard? The name of the person credited with inventing the QWERTY Keyboard is Christopher Latham Sholes (1819 - 1890), who also invented the Typewriter. Christopher Latham Sholes is not only famous as the American inventor of the Keyboard (QWERTY) but also as a printer, entrepreneur and businessman. When was the Keyboard invented? Christopher Latham Sholes invented the Keyboard in 1868, during the Second US Industrial Revolution / Victorian period of invention (1850 - 1914). The invention of the QWERTY Keyboard originated in America one year after Christopher Latham Sholes invented the typewriter.

Definition of the QWERTY Keyboard: The QWERTY Keyboard is defined as a set of keys on a typewriter or computer. The name derives from the first six characters on the top, left hand alphabetic line of the keyboard (Q W E R T Y). The QWERTY keyboard placed keys in such a way that the most commonly used letter combinations were spaced out to prevent the rods on mechanical typewriters from clashing and jamming.

Fact File about the Invention of the Keyboard (QWERTY): Invention: Keyboard (QWERTY) *** Date of Invention: 1868 *** Name of Inventor: Christopher Latham Sholes *** Lifespan of Inventor: 1819 - 1890 *** Nationality of Inventor: American *** Historical Period: Second US Industrial Revolution / Victorian (1850 - 1914) *** Category: Science and Technology *** Country of Origin: America *** Facts about the Inventor, Christopher Latham Sholes, and the invention of the Keyboard (QWERTY) ***

Fact 1: Who invented the Keyboard? The Keyboard (QWERTY) was invented by Christopher Latham Sholes in 1868 during the Second US Industrial Revolution era of inventions (1850 - 1914).

Fact 2: Who invented the Keyboard? Prior to the invention of the QWERTY Keyboard in 1868 Christopher Latham Sholes but the keyboard was causing problems as the mechanical keys kept tangling up and jamming the mechanism.

Fact 3: Who invented the Keyboard? The inventor of the Keyboard (QWERTY), Christopher Latham Sholes, was born on February 14, 1819 in Mooresburg, Pennsylvania, United States and died on February 17, 1890.

Fact 4: Who invented the Keyboard? Christopher Latham Sholes

Fact 5: Who invented the Keyboard? The early years of Christopher Latham Sholes were spent in Mooresburg, Pennsylvania, United States where he was raised by his family. Christopher Latham Sholes was well educated but did not undertake higher education at a University.

Fact 6: Who invented the Keyboard? Following his education his first job was as an apprentice printer. Following his apprenticeship he joined his older brothers who were publishers of the newspaper ‘Wisconsin Democrat’.

Fact 7: Who invented the Keyboard? Christopher Sholes enjoyed the newspaper business and became an editor. Whilst he was working in a newspaper office there was a strike and Sholes unsuccessfully attempted to build a typesetting machine to overcome the printers strike action.

Fact 8: Who invented the Keyboard? Christopher Sholes was inspired to invent a typewriting machine and worked with Samuel W. Soule and Carlos Glidden on the device. The trio were successful in developing the typewriter in 1867 but there were problems with device - the keys kept getting jammed. 

Fact 9: Who invented the Keyboard? The characters were mounted on metal arms or typebars and the keys of the original Sholes typewriter were arranged in an alphabetical order. But as typists built up their typing speeds the mechanical arms got tangled up and the keys jammed.

Fact 10: Who invented the Keyboard? Christopher Sholes came up with the solution to place commonly used letter-pairs (like "st" or"th") so that their typebars were not neighboring, thus avoiding the clashes and jams.

Fact 11: Who invented the Keyboard? By separating the most commonly used letter combinations to slow typists down Sholes resolved the problem by inventing what became commonly known as the QWERTY keyboard.

Fact 12: Who invented the Keyboard? The name Qwerty derives from the first six characters on the top, left hand alphabetic line of the keyboard in the order of Q W E R T Y.

Fact 13: Who invented the Keyboard? The QWERTY layout became popular with the success of the typewriter and despite attempts to revert to a keyboard in alphabetical order the QWERTY keyboard design is still used to this day.

Fact 14: Who invented the Keyboard? Christopher Latham Sholes died on February 17, 1890  but his name will always be remembered for his invention of the Typewriter and the QWERTY keyboards.

Fast Info and Fact File: Country of Origin: America *** Name of Inventor: Christopher Latham Sholes *** Nationality of Inventor: American *** Date of Invention: 1868 *** Invention:  QWERTY *** Lifespan of Inventor: 1819 - 1890 *** Invention Era: Second US Industrial Revolution *** Type: Science and Technology *** The Inventor and Invention of the QWERTY Keyboards ***

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