
Industrial Revolution Timeline

Who Invented

List and Facts about Industrial Revolution Timeline

Industrial Revolution Timeline:  The Industrial Revolution (1700 - 1914) covered a timeline of some 200 years. In this relatively short period of time literally hundreds of new inventions were made by their creative inventors. This article provides a comprehensive Industrial Revolution Timeline detailing important inventions, the years and dates in which the inventions were made and the names of the inventors and their nationalities. The Industrial Revolution Timeline details approximately 200 inventions and is an ideal educational resource for teachers and kids who are studying the Industrial Revolution.

Industrial Revolution Timeline: The Industrial Revolution Timeline also provides the opportunity for you to complete a list of your Top Ten Industrial Revolution Inventions that were made in this important period in history. The Industrial Revolution Timeline provide details of the truly amazing inventions covering the fields of science, technology, household appliances, communications and transportation. The Industrial Revolution is often referred to as two periods of time. The First Industrial Revolution inventions (1700 - 1850) were characterized by the use of Steam Power, Iron and advances in Agriculture. The Second Industrial Revolution inventions (1850 - 1914) were characterized by the use of Steel, Oil and Electricity.

Industrial Revolution Timeline <1700 - 1750> : Check out the dates of inventions in the First Industrial Revolution Timeline in the early 1700's.
The Seed Drill was invented in 1701 by the British inventor Jethro Tull.
1714: The invention of the Thermometer was made in 1714 by the Polish inventor Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit.
1744: The Franklin stove was invented in 1744 by the US innovator Benjamin Franklin.
1747: The Lightning Rod was invented in 1747 by the US innovator Benjamin Franklin.

Industrial Revolution Timeline <1750 - 1800> : Check out the dates of inventions in the First Industrial Revolution Timeline in the late 1700's.
1764: The invention of the Spinning Jenny was made in 1764 by the English inventor James Hargreaves.
1769: The Steam Engine was invented in 1769 by the Scottish inventor James Watt.
The Spinning Machine was invented in 1769 by the English inventor Richard Arkwright.
1782: The invention of the Flatboat was made in 1782 by the US inventor Jacob Yoder.
1783: The Hot Air Balloon was invented in 1783 by Joseph and Jacques Montgolfier.
1783: The Parachute was invented in 1783 by the French inventor Louis-Sebastian Lenormand.
1791: The invention of the Steamboat was made in 1791 by the US innovator John Fitch.
1793: The Cotton Gin was invented in 1793 by the US inventor Eli Whitney.
1795: The invention of the Pencil was made in 1795 by the French inventor Nicolas-Jacques Conte.
1795: The Wheel cypher was invented in 1795 by Thomas Jefferson.
1798: New cotton spinning machinery was introduced into America 1798 by Samuel Slater.

Industrial Revolution Timeline <1800 - 1820> : Check out the dates of inventions in the First Industrial Revolution Timeline from 1800 to 1820.
1800: The invention of the Battery was made in 1800 by the Italian inventor Alessandro Volta.
1807: The First Commercial Steamboat was invented in 1807 by Robert Fulton.
1814: The Steam Locomotive was made in 1814 by the English inventor George Stephenson. Discover the History of the Railroad, one of the great innovations during the Industrial Revolution.
1815: The British Inventor Sir Humphry Davy invented Davy miners safety lamp in 1815
1816: The invention of the Stethoscope was made in 1816 by the French inventor Rene Laennec

Industrial Revolution Timeline <1820 - 1840> : Check out the dates of inventions in the First Industrial Revolution Timeline from 1820 to 1840.
1822: The British Inventor Michael Faraday invented the electric motor in 1822
1822: The invention of the Haying Machines was made in 1822 by the US innovator Jeremiah Bailey.
1824: Braille was invented in 1824 by the blind French inventor Louis Braille.
1826: Matches were invented in 1826 by the English inventor John Walker.
1830: The Railroad was invented in 1830 by the British inventor George Stephenson.
1831: The invention of the Mechanical Reaper was made in 1831 by the US inventor Cyrus McCormick.
1832: The Horse Car was invented in 1832 by the US innovator John G. Stephenson.
1834: Photography was invented in 1834 by the English inventor William Henry Fox Talbot.
1834: The invention of the Combine Harvester was made in 1834 by the US innovator Hiram Moore.
1836: The Colt Revolver by US innovator Samuel Colt was invented in 1836
1837: The invention of the Steel Plow was made in 1837 by the US innovator John Deere.
1838: Morse Code was invented in 1838 by the US innovator Samuel Morse.
1838: The invention of the Telegraph was made in 1838 by the US inventor Samuel Morse.
1839: The Pedal Bicycle was invented in 1839 by the Scottish inventor Kirkpatrick Macmillan.
1839: Vulcanized Rubber was invented in 1839 by the US inventor Charles Goodyear.

Industrial Revolution Timeline <1840's> : Check out the dates of inventions in the First Industrial Revolution Timeline of the 1840's.
1842: Steam-powered Grain Elevators were invented in 1842 by Joseph Dart and Robert Dunbar.
1843: The Fax Machine was invented in 1843 by the Scottish inventor Alexander Bain.
1846: Anesthesia was invented in 1846 by the US inventor Thomas Green Morton.
1846: The Sewing Machine was invented in 1846 by the US inventor Elias Howe.
1847: The Candy Bar was invented in 1847 by the English inventor Joseph Fry.

Industrial Revolution Timeline <1850 - 1860> : Check out the dates of inventions in the Second Industrial Revolution Timeline from 1850 to 1860.
1851: The US innovator Isaac Singer invented the Singer sewing machine in 1851
1851: The modern Umbrella was invented in 1851 by the English inventor Samuel Fox.
1852: The Elevator was invented in 1852 by the US innovator Elisha Otis.
1855: The Bessemer process for the production of Steel was invented in 1855 by the English inventor Henry Bessemer.
1857: The US innovator George Pullman invented the Pullman sleeping car in 1857
1857: Toilet Paper was invented in 1857 by the US inventor Joseph C. Gayetty.
1858: The Rotary Washing Machine was invented in 1858 by the US innovator Hamilton E. Smith

Industrial Revolution Timeline <1860 - 1870> : Check out the dates of inventions in the Second Industrial Revolution Timeline from 1860 to 1870.
1860: The British Inventor Frederick Walton invented Linoleum in 1860
1860: The Vacuum Cleaner was invented in 1860 by the US innovator Daniel Hess.
1861: The Cylinder lock was made by US innovator Linus Yale, Jr. in 1861
1862: The US innovator Richard J. Gatling invented the first successful machine gun (Gatling Gun) in 1862
1866: Dynamite was invented in 1866 by the Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel.
1867: The Hot Dog was invented in 1867 by the German-US innovator Charles Feltman.
1867: The Typewriter was invented in 1867 by the US innovator Christopher Latham Sholes.
1867: The Twine Knotter was invented in 1867 by the USinventor John Appleby.
1868: The QWERTY Keyboard was invented in 1868 by the US innovator Christopher Latham Sholes.
1868: The Stapler was invented in 1868 by the US innovator Charles Henry Gould.
1869: The Air Brake system was developed in 1869 by the US inventor George Westinghouse.
1869: The Periodic Table was invented in 1869 by the Russian inventor Dimitri Mendeleev.

Industrial Revolution Timeline <1870 - 1875> : Check out the dates of inventions in the Second Industrial Revolution Timeline from 1870 to 1875.
1870: The flushing Toilet was invented in 1870 by the English inventor Thomas Crapper.
1872: The Hot Comb was invented in 1872 by the French inventor Francois Marcel Grateau.
1873: Barbed Wire was invented in 1873 by the US inventor Joseph Glidden.
1873: Jeans were invented in 1873 by the US innovators Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss.
1874: The Spork was invented in 1874 by the US innovator Samuel W. Francis.
1874: The Wire Binder was invented in 1874 by the US inventor Sylvanus Locke.

Industrial Revolution Timeline <1875 - 1880> : Check out the dates of inventions in the Second Industrial Revolution Timeline from 1875 to 1880.
1876: The Internal Combustion Engine was invented in 1876 by the German inventor Nicklaus Otto.
1876: The Microphone was invented in 1876 by the German-US innovator Emile Berliner.
1876: The Refrigerator was invented in 1876 by the German inventor Carl von Linde.
1876: The Telephone was invented in 1876 by the Scottish inventor Alexander Graham Bell.
1877: The Phonograph was invented in 1877 by the US inventor Thomas Alva Edison.
1879: The Mechanical Cash Register was invented in 1879 by the US innovator James Ritty.

Industrial Revolution Timeline <1880 - 1885> : Check out the dates of inventions in the Second Industrial Revolution Timeline from 1880 to 1885.
1880: American Football was invented in 1880 by the US innovator Walter Camp.
1881: The Electric Chair was invented in 1881 by the US inventor Alfred P. Southwick.
1882: The Electric Fan was invented in 1882 by the US innovator Schuyler Wheeler.
1882: The Iron was invented in 1882 by the US innovator Henry W. Seeley.
1884: Peanut Butter was invented in 1884 by the Canadian inventor Marcellus Gilmore Edson.
1885: The Gasoline / petrol pump was invented in 1885 by the US innovator Sylvanus F. Bowser.
1885: The Hamburger was invented in 1885 by the US inventor Charlie Nagreen.
1885: The Motorcycle was invented in 1885 by the German inventor Gottlieb Daimler.
1885: X-Ray was invented in 1885 by the German inventor Wilhelm Rontgen.

Industrial Revolution Timeline <1886 - 1890> : Check out the dates of inventions in the Second Industrial Revolution Timeline from 1820 to 1840.
1886: Coca Cola was invented in 1886 by the US innovator John S. Pemberton.
1886: The First Gasoline Car was invented in 1886 by the German inventor Karl Benz.
1887: The Dishwasher was invented in 1887 by the US innovator Josephine G. Cochran.
1887: The Pneumatic Tire was invented in 1887 by the US inventor John Dunlop.
1887: The Serbian-US innovator Nikola Tesla invented the transmission of electrical power in 1887
1888: The US innovator Theophilus Van Kannel invented the revolving door in 1888
1888: The Drinking Straw was invented in 1888 by the US innovator Marvin C. Stone.
1889: Pizza was invented in 1889 by the Italian inventor Raffaele Esposito.
1889: The Car was invented in 1889 by the German inventor Karl Benz.

Industrial Revolution Timeline <1890 - 1895> : Check out the dates of inventions in the Second Industrial Revolution Timeline from 1890 to 1895.
1891: Basketball was invented in 1891 by the Canadian-US innovator James Naismith.
1891: The Escalator was invented in 1891 by the US inventor Jesse W. Reno.
1892: The Ironing Board was invented in 1892 by the African-US innovator Sarah Boone.
1892: The Gasoline Tractor was invented in 1892 by the US innovator John Froelich.
1893: The Diesel Engine was invented in 1893 by the German inventor Rudolf Diesel.
1893: The Ferris Wheel was invented in 1893 by the US innovator George Ferris.
1895: Daylight Savings Time was invented in 1895 by the English inventor George Hudson.
1895: The invention of cornflake breakfasts was made by the US inventor John Harvey Kellogg in 1895
1895: The Radio was invented in 1895 by the Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi.
1895: Volleyball was invented in 1895 by the US innovator William G. Morgan.

Industrial Revolution Timeline <1896 - 1900> : Check out the dates of inventions in the Second Industrial Revolution Timeline from 1896 to 1900.
1896: The Ice Cream Cone was invented in 1896 by the Italian-US innovator Italo Pietro Marchioni.
1897: Aspirin was invented in 1897 by the German inventor Felix Hoffmann.
1897: Cotton Candy was invented in 1897 by the US innovators William Morrison and John C. Wharton.
1898: The Roller Coaster was invented in 1898 by the US innovator Edwin Prescott.
1899: The Flash Lamp was invented in 1899 by the US innovator Joshua Lionel Cowen.
1899: The Paperclip was invented in 1899 by the US innovator William D. Middlebrook.

Industrial Revolution Timeline <1900 - 1914> : Check out the dates of inventions in the Second Industrial Revolution Timeline from 1900 to 1914.
1900: The Zeppelin Airship was invented in 1900 by the inventor Count Ferdinand Zeppelin.
1901: The Assembly Line was invented in 1901 by the US innovator Ransom E. Olds.
1901: The Safety Razor was invented in 1901 by the US innovator King Camp Gillette.
1902: Pepsi was invented in 1902 by the US innovator Caleb Davis Bradham.
1902: The Air Conditioner was invented in 1902 by the US innovator Willis Haviland Carrier.
1903: Bullet Proof Glass was invented in 1903 by the French inventor Edouard Benedictus.
1903: The Airplane was invented in 1903 by the US innovators Orville and Wilbur Wright.
1903: The Windshield Wiper was invented in 1903 by the US innovator Mary Anderson.
1907: Plastic was invented in 1907 by the Belgian-born US innovator Leo Hendrik Baekeland.
1907: The Radio Amplifier was invented in 1907 by the US innovator Lee DeForest.
1908: The Model T car was invented in 1908 by the US innovator Henry Ford.
1912: The Tank was invented in 1912 by the Australian inventor Lancelot de Mole.
1913: The Zipper was invented in 1913 by the Swedish-US innovator Gideon Sundback.

Industrial Revolution Timeline: We hope you have enjoyed browsing our Industrial Revolution Timeline and their famoUS innovators.

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